FitterFirst Balance Board


Balance is so important in golf.  If you lose balance during the golf swing, you are dead, it’s just a matter of dumb luck if you hit a good shot from an unbalanced position.  I bought this balance board to have something to do in the winter months to improve my game. 

It is quite a fabulous piece of equipment.  Standing on it and trying to keep the edges from touching the floor is challenging.  After trying to balance on the FitterFirst for about 5 minutes, all the little stabilization muscles in my lower legs and feet are fatigued. 

When I first saw this online, I had allusions to grandeur, and I figured it would be such a great accomplishment if I could learn to swing a golf club while being balanced on the board. I don’t know if I will ever be able to balance well enough to do this, but I will keep trying because if I ever get there, I think it will do wonders for my golf game.


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